Hohenschwangau Castles in Autumn

Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein Castles

I had seen pictures of Bavarian castles in Autumn and was determined to take advantage of living just hours away to experience this for myself.

The two Bavarian castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau drew me back once more to see them dressed in their autumn colours  to herald the aproaching arrival of winter.

I was not disappointed, for above the autumn colours towered first Neuschwanstein Castle…

Neuschwanstein Castle in Autumn

…its white sandstone walls a contrast above a palette of red hues that would have done any master painter proud…

Autumn trees around Neuschwanstein Castle

…and then Hohenschwangau Castle.

It was like a temptress luring you onward, for these photos were made within a few steps of each other on the approach from the nearby town of Füssen, making a pretense that the Bavarian Castles are closer to each other than they are in real life.

Hohenschwangau Castle amongst autumn trees

The whole concept of Bavarian Castles in Autumn first came into my life in the form of the painting of a similar name painted by Wassily Kandinsky. It hangs now in the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, but painted in 1908, it reflected Kandinsky’s impressions of the sort of intensity of overlapping colour that welcomed my return to Hohenschwangau.

Kandinsky and colours and Hohenschwangau

First inspired to paint by the works of Monet - Kandinsky was a lawyer who was also an accomplished musician. He played both piano and the cello, which he described as having the bluest colour of all instruments.

He 'heard' colour – or conversely 'saw' colour from sounds.

By contrast, I see pain in colour - much to the interest of my chiropractor.

Kandinsky's work was to revolutionize art through both his abstract paintings and his writing. In his books Concerning the Spiritual in Art (Dover Books on Art History) and Point and Line to Plane (Dover Books on Art History) Kandinsky drew on the spiritual relationship of art – both in the responses of the viewer and the ability of the artists to transfer onto canvas the harmony, pace and depth of the emotion – as does a composer with music.

After experiencing the opera at a Moscow concert, the music of the Wagner opera “Lohengrin” – the same that inspired King Ludwig II of Bavaria – Kandinsky wrote:

I saw all my colours in spirit,

before my eyes.

Wild, almost crazy lines

were sketched in front of me.

On the trip to Fussen and later Hohenschwangau,  I had been listening to selections from my eclectic music collection, but turning off the autobahn had just switched to 'The Swan' by Saint-Saëns.

It seemed to be the right music to visit the High Country of the Swans, which is the name meaning of Hohenschwangau.

You might like to read this page to the same music.You can listen here to Yo Yo Ma playing The Swan with Kathryn Stott.

A visionary, if eccentric, king

When you speak about Neuschwanstein – please don’t refer to it as the castle of a 'mad' king.

Ludwig was eccentric, inspired, willful – but his state diagnosed 'madness' by a psychiatrist who had never even met, let alone examined Ludwig – is commonly believed to have been an excuse to have him deposed.

King Ludwig was inspired by the romance of the Swan Knights who had previously lived in this enchanted area, and of the mythical Parsifal and Lohengrin – and their struggles to be honourable enough to be worthy guardians of the Grail.

Just as for Ludwig, and for many before me, travelling through the vibrant countryside to approach Bavarian Castles in Autumn, I was moved by the incredible beauty around me.

The play of colours made me smile – and I had to comment out loud on its loveliness.

Autumn colours in Bavaria

The Romantic Road to Hohenschwangau

Once off the Autobahn, the route was punctuated with picturesque villages through which on previous trips I had only passed in the dark.

Timbered village houses in Bavaria

Hoheschwangau autumn colour

Once at the Hotel Müller in Hohenschwangau, they said that this year there was a particular intensity to the autumn colour.

You could see it on their restaurant terrace.

Autumn colours on Hotel Müller terrace Bavaria

The same intensity decorated the entrance to the Jagerhaus, further up the street.


This time, the room at the Hotel Müller ( who were just as welcoming as they were before I wrote how welcoming they were!) looked straight out at Neuschwanstein Castle.

Autumn view of Neuschwanstein Castle from Hotel Müller

Hohenschhwangau Castle above the town seemed as if carved out of the sky, for the air was so still and clear that every edge was precise.

Hohenschwangau Castle with Autumn colours

The Alpsee at Hohenschwangau

I was just in time to wander around the Alpsee – the lake below the castles, and wait to see how the sun would depart and over what it would drape yet another mantle of colour.

The result was not what I expected, having some sort of blazing display of in my mind.

Instead of the sunset colours painting the lake crimson and gold, it was as if there was some sort of orchestrated complicity where they instead seemed to cast a spotlight on both castles – Neuschwanstein in the distance, and Hohenschwangau close to the lake.

Hohenschwangau and Alpenrose Hotel at dusk

Before sinking below the mountains, the sun seemed to particularly enjoy a rest on the yellow walls of Hohenschwangau directly above the lake shore.

The light is captured here from the boathouse where you can rent canoes or paddleboats.

Canoe below Hohenschwangau Bavaria

It was a lovely time of day to be there, though as you will see from the morning video – so is early morning.

Couples were sharing the view of returning canoes…

Walkers beside the Alpsee Bavaria

…and the pathway beckoned you onwards as if briefly illuminated from underneath.

Pathways beside the Alpsee Bavaria

This lighting effect also framed the fishermen as they cast into the lake

Fishermen on the Alpsee Bavaria

…and made a Kandinsky-worthy effect of almost unreal colour along the lakeside as the same scene was for the briefest moment transformed from this…

Hohenschwangau Castle and canoes on Alpsee

…to this momentary transition to surreal colour.

Autumn colours of Alpsee below Hohenschwangau Castle

Finally, the dusk approached and brought back with it the deeper sky blue and richer dark contrast.

Hohenschwangau Castle from the Alpsee

The pathway beside the Alpsee is popular for dog walking…

Autumn dog walkers beside Alpsee Hohenschwangau

…and more fishermen were arriving.

Fishermen arriving at Autumn beside Alpsee Hohenschwangau

Being autumn, the sun didn’t linger and when it finally did set, I was expecting some sort of spectacle of colour on the water.

Instead there was just a blush of pink as the daylight dimmed…

Sunset in Hohenschwangau

Pastel sunset colours on the Alpsee Hohenschwangau

…and then man-made illumination took over, highlighting Hoheschwangau Castle above the town.

Hohenschwangau Castle and Maypole at dusk

What the German’s call the 'Blaue Stunde' (the Blue Hour)– that period of intense blue that sometimes occurs between sundown and darkness – fell on the Bavarian Alps and set the King’s Chapel into contrast against the tall maypole of Hohenschwangau.

Hohenschwangau Castle Chapel and Maypole at dusk

The Jagerhaus (Hunting Lodge) was ready for Halloween the following night.

A very friendly looking Jack-o-Lantern sat by the door, where before had sat merely a pumpkin.

Jagerhaus Hohenschwangau with Jack o Lantern

Every building was transformed by internal illumination, suggesting what was taking place within and making each suggestion in one’s mind as a piece of fantasy itself.

The Bavarian castles in Autumn are just as captivating as in summer.

Lisl Hotel Hohenschwangau at night

Neunschwanstein Castle above Hotel Müller-at-dusk

The magic of light and dark

The kings of Bavaria loved the mountain beauty of their kingdom – and in their accompanying passion for the arts they have left us a great heritage in the castles of Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein.

Both are a sort of culmination of romantic idealism, fantasy, and inspiration.

As I walked in the twilight, I thought of the power of light and dark to play upon each other and transform the spirit.

Many times, alone in a strange city, I have walked at night, looking at the imagined lives softly sketched by lit rooms that formed a sort of magic stage on which I could create the players.

Light has powers of magic and as Samuel Butler said:

We all know what light is;

but it is not easy to tell what it is.

Perhaps that is because we do not so much 'see' as 'experience' light – and each of us has a unique experience of the moment.

So, in a thoughtful mood I returned to my room at the Hotel Müller.

I was a bit cold outside, but I felt the privilege of having only to share the twilight theatre around the two castles of Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein with the handful of people still left after a day crammed with thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Hotel Müller Hohenschwangau

The first Sunday of Lent March 9 you can chase winteraway with the bonfires of Schwangau...

on Bonfire Sunday, a long Bavarian tradition.

The Hotel Muller has a long and proud history. It is a wonderful destination in itself.

My visit predates the refurbishment of the hotel but I offer my experience to charm you, as it did me.

Entering , I was welcomed by the autumn decorations at the entrance…

Autumn decorations Hotel Müller Hoheschwangau Bavaria

…and a beautifully cooked dinner to finalise the day.

Dining at the Hotel Müller Hohenschwangau Bavaria

Oscar Wilde once said:

A dreamer is one

who can only find his way by moonlight,

and his punishment is

that he sees the dawn

before the rest of the world

King Ludwig lived most of his life in isolation and was a 'night person', as have been many artists and composers.

Dreamer he was, for how else could he have created the brilliant castles that he did.

Autumn Dawn in Hohenschwangau

Like the rest of us, I have my dreams – and although I most enjoy arriving at dawn from night-time festivities – there have also been times when rousting myself from bed to welcome the dawn has been no punishment – and so it was again at Hohenschwangau.

Sunrise-tipped mountains Alpsee Bavaria

The sunshine was gently wakening the mountains… with the colour I had missed at sunset now appearing on the lake.

Sunrise colour at Hohenschwangau Castle Bavaria

…together with some startling colour effects as the autumn dawn light seemed to be dancing from leaf to water and back again.

Autumn colours reflected onto the Alpsee Bavaria

The light seemed to linger on every leaf – and I understood why artists like Kandinsky have been – and are still – inspired by Bavarian castles in autumn.

Autumn colours at dawn by the Alpsee boathouse Bavaria

I was at first the only 'dreamer' for whom this dawn scene was painted.

Somewhere between three and five thousand visitors would be here as the day progressed – but for now it was just me with the birds and the sound of the leaves falling.

Listen and watch for yourself.

Fishing on the Alpsee in Hohenschwangau

Shortly the fishermen arrived, and as if detected by radar, along came the fishing licence inspector to collect his fee – and to tell them that it was over on the other side of the lake that the big catch was made yesterday.

Paying fishing licence Alpsee Bavaria

As Hohenschwangua awakes

Looking from the boathouse, Hohenschwangau Castle blushed pink with the dawn light – as if it was slightly embarrased to have  been discovered returning late from night revelry.

Hohenschwangau Castle from boathouse at dawn

I returned to a wakening town.

The workers were getting the place orderly for the daily invasion.

Hohenschwangau Castle at dawn above old stables

I saw the reason why the town was so tidy, for outside each residence someone was picking up any stray rubbish – even cigarette butts.

There was someone outside the Lisl Hotel working to leave the street in front and entrance immaculate.

Lisl Hotel Entrance Hohenschwangau

Further down the hill the process was being repeated outside the Hotel Müller.

Cleaning streets outside Hotel Muller Hohenschwangau Bavaria

I just had time to have my breakfast and check out before taking the bus to the Marienbrücke for a different view of Neuschwanstein Castle.

Bus to Marienbrücke Neuschwanstein Castle Bavaria

Thinking about my expectations of both sunset and dawn at Hohenschwangau, I was delighted that I came with no predisposed ideas about what Bavarian castles in autumn wold be like - apart from lovely.

I was reminded of the admonition of André Gide :

Seize from every moment

its unique novelty,

and do not prepare your joys.

More German Romantic Road Pages

Neuschwanstein Castle

Hohenschwangau Castle


Hotel Müller

Hohenschwangau castles

Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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