Dr Seuss writes in his book 'Oh the places you'll go'
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..
I had brains in my head and feet in my shoes, and I was definitely on my own - and I decided that I would go where my Cuban tour guide took me...knowing that this was an ill-disguised effort to visit every known relative in the countryside of the next few provinces. But because it was such a trip I had a rare opportunity to be briefly exposed to the harsh realities of everyday life - and to witness the great beauty of the coast and the remoter inland areas.
The full story of this trip can be read here in my book - available in bookstores and on Amazon - or listen to it as read by the author on Audible. Here is a link to buy it from Amazon. It is also read by the author on Audible
Here isa recent review on Reedsy:
“One of the most heart warming books that one can hope to read especially considering the gloomy circumstances staring the world in its face. Optimistic, positive, enthusiastic and exuberant, this book instils hope as ... positivity surges through the veins of the reader. Bereft of jargons, shorn of impractical steps and completely devoid of pretension, "The Cuban Approach" is a book which all of us would be proud of having written ourselves. The art of letting go was never made simpler, yet entirely practical. And when the art of letting go finds dancing as its companion, then the practice is taken to a transcendental level.
... When a pandemic is wreaking havoc with neither bias nor prejudice, a pressing need of the hour is solace...books like that of Ms. Lamacraft at least enable us to retain our sanity and firmly be under the conviction that all is not lost!